Don't get me wrong, tomorrow I will be ringing the hospital booking Freddie in for his week one check at the heart centre and no doubt having the health visitor round to discuss things, so the medical issues are always going to be in our minds but this weekend has been the family time away from the suffocating environment of the hospitals that we have so craved over the past eight weeks.
Freddie has been a star. He has ate, slept, filled his nappy and cried - exactly the things a baby should do! He is much more lively at night and spends most of the day at the moment sleeping, waking for his feed, having a bit of wind, having his nappy changed and then sleeping again. At three am today he was wide eyed and calm, taking in his new surroundings.
He is still a pale fragile looking little man but hopefully the way he attacks his bottle when it is milk time should remedy that soon. I can honestly say that we haven't yet had a panic over anything health related yet. The only worry I have had is how 'windy' he looks after some of his feeds. He grunts and goes red and pulls his legs up but I know this is common with many babies. He is much better when he has a feed of normal cow and gate formula instead of the high energy formula so we are mixing and matching which is what the dietitian originally recommended anyway but the consultant overruled it because he wants to see Freddie 'fatten up'.
Freddie's first trip in his pram!
First proper bath! He's not impressed!
Where have all the noisey beeping machines gone Daddy?
His favourite position, soaking up the sun in his pram in the conservatory!
One trip to mothercare later... a bag full bigger than Freddie in his car seat!
I'm really happy for you all, a long journey but little freddie as proved to everyone he is a little fighter congrats to you all x