To start I will let you know that Freddie is fine and when Jon left him this evening he was doing very well and the nurses were pleased with him.
I had a day with Samuel today and Jon and I were planning on visiting Freddie together this evening. I took Samuel over to see his cousin Zachary and we had a lovely time. I rang the hospital at about midday and everything was fine but when I rang at about two things had gone downhill quite rapidly.
The problems Freddie has had today have been related to suspected damage to his lungs during surgery. It is thought that one of his lungs may have been caught during his operation which is something that is quite common by the sounds of it. This has caused air to leak from his lungs into his chest cavity which has put pressure and one of his lungs and caused part of it to collapse.
When I rang the hospital they were in the middle of inserting another chest drain and the nurse said that Freddie was "stable now". This was very frightening and overwhelming as I didn't know what was going on. The thought of him having to have yet another chest drain inserted into his little body was very distressing.
After a major wobble, followed by a decision that I was not feeling at all up to going to the hospital and an order from my mum to have a lie down before I fell down, things have now calmed down a bit!
It is unbelievable how quickly things can change and Jon has come back from the hospital with the news that Freddie's blood gas results are now very good and that the doctors and nurses are happy with how he is doing! What a relief. The air in his chest has been released through the new chest drain that has been inserted and the damage to one of his lungs should heal itself in a short space of time with a little help from physio.

Freddie having a peak at his Daddy.
Can't wait till the day when Freddie can be with his fab big bro and his gorgeous cousin. All the boys together will be a happy day!
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