Monday, 24 October 2011

Monday 24th October 2011

Freddie had his first trip to the congenital heart centre outpatients unit at Glenfield.

We have had a busy day today. Freddie had his stitches removed from the wound where his chests drains were (didn't watch that happening!). The wound has healed nicely and he just has a few scabs that will drop off.
Then Freddie had an Echo scan on his heart.
I had to wait for quite a while for the doctor to speak to me which was quite nerve wracking but when he did he said that the scan was fine.
Freddie's heart is working well and the small narrowing that they are keeping a close eye on has opened a little at the moment so the blood is better. The doctor explained that as babies grow so does the heart and the arteries so often the narrowings sort themselves out.
The doctor said that we should be getting some follow up visits from the City hospital because Freddie was born so prematurely. Because everything has been focused on Freddie's heart issues we haven't had any discussions with doctors about what to expect development wise from a baby that was born prematurely.
I have spoken to the city hospital and these appointments are in the process of being made.

A very tiring day after not much sleep last night but we're thrilled that things are looking good with Freddie. His next appointment is mid November for another scan.

Samuel has been a really good boy during today's hospital visit, mostly due to the entertaining powers of Grandpops! Well done that man!



  1. hi Aimee still loving reading all about little freddie,who by the sounds of it is growing fast and gaining weight.Glad all going well at home your little family is perfect you should be so proud,just wanted to say dont worry too much on the premature side of things,dont want to turn it around on myself but my daughter was 15 weeks early and weighed 1lb the time she was 18 months she was all caught up with everyone her own age and to look at her now you would never have thought she was prem.if ever you want to look at pics just ask your mum and ill send them to you.shes 18 in january and all is well.hope you didnt mind me telling you this.enjoy your boys going to be a busy house at christmas x x love to you all estelle (aspley medical centre)

  2. Thanks for this comment Estelle. I'm so pleased everything was OK with your daughter and it is nice to hear that these tiny babies catch up with the rest! I thought Freddie was small but 1 lb 7 is so tiny!
    Loving having him home
