Friday, 7 October 2011

Friday 7th October 2011

A typical Freddie moment of today...

Ahh, nice and sleepy and having a cuddle with Mummy

Wait a minute, I feel like something is missing, whats going on..

There is definitely something missing, do something about it Mummy!

Ah, that's better! 

Freddie is back on the children's ward at Glenfield and is doing well. He is having his teaspoon of milk via bottle every hour! He's gets very frustrated at the small amounts and keeps sucking angrily on his dummy! He is still on his tpn so is getting all the nutrition he needs and the doctors will keep increasing the amount of milk he can have and decreasing the amount of tpn he gets. 
He still has his chest drain in and a central line going into his groin. Hopefully these wont have to be in for much longer so we can get to him for cuddles more easily!

Thanks again to everyone for their continued support, love, caring and friendship during these tough times. I used to be worried about saying anything too positive in case I jinxed his progress but that hasn't worked too well for us in the past so here goes... he's an absolute star and is doing all the things you would expect a baby to do. Hopefully we're on the home stretch now!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Aimee i'm nichola who works with jon Freddie is a little fighter and so cute aswell. Hope he is home very soon xxxx
