Today I went to visit Freddie after dropping his big bro off at pre-school. I just missed out on his bath and change which was a shame but he's doing really well still. When I got there the nurse said they were going to start his feeds today which came as a bit of a shock and I started fretting because I hadn't taken any of my frozen expressed milk. However, when the doctors came to Freddie on their rounds the consultant said he wanted to wait a bit longer before giving him milk again. It was the surgeons who had come round first thing and said they were happy for him to start having feeds which is a good sign because it shows they must be really happy with how is stomach is recovering from the infection. The consultant said he wants Freddie to start on milk either at the weekend or on Monday.
I had a massive cuddle with him which was lovely. Whenever he started stirring a bit I just let him suck on his dummy or my little finger knuckle. He's so cute, just does a few sucks then falls asleep again.
Freddie's now moved into his own little room in the children's intensive care unit at the Royal. This makes it better for when we take Samuel with us to the hospital.
Very mixed emotions at the moment for us all. We're thrilled that Freddie is doing so well but it's very frustrating not having him home with us and even more so that he is in Leicester rather than Nottingham. It's very difficult to not feel guilty for not being with him all the time but it's physically and mentally exhausting! The nurses have always advised us to reserve our energy for when he is home! My ability to express for him seems to be coming to an end also which is a bit upsetting but at least he's had a good start with his feeds.
Counting down the days now before he is strong enough for his surgery. We want our little man healthy and home!
Get that camera out of my face Mummy!
I leave you with a windy smile:
Samuel quote of the day: "Kiss my potato!" (Apparently from Wallace and Gromit) Ha!
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