Just got back from a visit with Freddie. He got to see his mummy, daddy and big brother all together today. As soon as we got to the hospital the nurse went to fetch the consultant to speak to us so I think my persistent phone calls today paid off. The consultant explained to us that the doctors and surgeons want to let Freddie get back onto his feeds before the heart operation is carried out. The infection he has been recovering from at the Royal hospital was in his stomach (something called NEC) and until this time next week he needs to be nil by mouth in order for his stomach to recover. The doctors need to be happy that his stomach can handle feeds again before he has any surgery on his heart so that his recovery is not jeopardised. The consultant said we could be looking at 10 days before his operation. Freddie needs to be in Leicester because that is where the cardiac centre is and where the surgical team are. It's frustrating for us but he is where he needs to be to receive the best care so we are happy and it means he'll be bigger and stronger for his operation.
Anyway, onto the good stuff. He's looking fab!!! Check him out...
The doctors and nurses at The Royal are really happy with how he is doing. The nurses keep telling us how cute he is (as if we didn't know!) They gave us some pics that they took of him today with his eyes open and doing some 'wind smiles.'
Of course we had a cuddle:
Mummy does tend to hog Freddie a bit so poor daddy had to take the pictures! He had some nice kisses with his little man though. Samuel was a very good boy and even sang the Wallace & Gromit theme tune (his latest obsession) to Freddie. In fact we were all humming the wallace & gromit tune to Freddie at one point - I bet they think we're a bit mental...they'd be right! Ha.
He loves it and it soothes him when we put the music on.
Goodnight everyone, love from Freddie and Glow worm!
Samuel quote of the day:
Mummy: "Why don't you want to go to pre school Samuel?"
Samuel: "Because I like you Mummy and I want to help you clean the oven!"
Hmmmm I wonder if he'll still be offering to help clean the oven when he's a teenager?
loving the pictures and its good to know that he is on the right track! i do think he might have to have a cuddle from his auntie lou when hes a big bigger though xxx. sending lots of love from everyone herexxxx