Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Wednesday 28th December

Well that's Christmas done for another year!
We've had a lovely family Christmas with our boys, who have both been spoilt rotten.
Freddie was a bit unsettled by all the excitement Christmas day but he was a good boy. He's a very hungry boy all of the time and has gone back to having two night feeds which is a bit tiring for us but he's obviously thriving!

Lots of Christmas pics.....

"A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood...."
Freddie with his 'Gruffalo' mouse that Santa left for him.

Big smiles for his Grandpops on Christmas Day.

After having a nap in his comfort blanket style snow suit (never fails to calm him down) he's having christmas love from Daddy and Nanan.

My first Christmas 2011 bear from Mamma and Grandpops. Freddie loves cuddles with his Mamma.

A must for the Christmas blog pics - Samuel with his Jack Sparrow hat on playing his new guitar! Classic!

                                                  "Santa and Rudolph, here? No way!!"

Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy new year

We've had the best Christmas ever and are looking forward to the start of the New Year. Less drama in 2012 please!!


Friday, 23 December 2011

Friday 23rd December 2011


Just a quick post to say how well Freddie is doing. We haven't had him weighed this week but he's looking chunkier every day!
He's starting to become very chatty...making gurgling noises when he smiles and when he's being tickled.

Freddie is certainly a Sawyer...he loves his routine! He has a massive sleep in the morning then spends the afternoon mostly awake. He has a bottle at about 7:15pm then usually asleep in bed by 8pm.

If you try and mess with the routine he's not a happy chappy! Ha.

He's got a bit of a sore neck because I'm struggling to keep his numerous chins clean and dry of milky and drool! But a bit of sudocrem is sorting that out!!

Here's Freddie with his buddy Daniel who is 10 days younger than him. Very smiley boys!

Here's Freddie and big bro Samuel getting ready to beat Mummy at Jelly Elephants!! Ha.



Friday, 16 December 2011

Friday 16th December 2011

'Ding Dong Merrily On High!'

We love Christmas!!!!!


Freddie's latest weigh in put him at 11 pounds and 4 ounces. We're thrilled with how he is doing.
Freddie is still on a daily iron medicine and I have recently contacted the paediatrician we see at the City hospital regarding this. He has advised me to keep giving Freddie the iron until our next appointment, which is in February and he will then assess whether or not he needs it any more. Apparently it is important for babies that were born prematurely to take iron for a significant period of time.

Last night Freddie lasted from his bed time feed (7:30pm ish) all the way till 3:30am which is fab and we're hoping he's on the road to sleeping through the night!

Freddie's hair is coming back nicely and you can't really see the bald patches anymore they just look like areas where his hair has rubbed off which happens to most babies.

I'm already starting to think about his next appointment at Glenfield, but trying not to worry about it because it isn't until February. There are no signs that Freddie's heart isn't performing as it should be but it will be nice to have some reassurance from the scans (hopefully).

Samuel is bonding with Freddie brilliantly and is still great at making him smile. He is quite protective of him and wants to show him toys and things of his.

                                           Little Cuties!

"What you looking at!!!"

Gorgeous chubby boy!

Hope everyone is enjoying the build up to Christmas as much as us!!


Sunday, 11 December 2011

Sunday 11th December

Freddie weighed in at 10lb 8oz on Thursday! He's bang on the 25th centile line on the growth chart for his 'corrected age'.

He's a happy chappy at the mo, only waking up for one feed overnight (whoo!) and not griping much at all.

He's happier to be in his bouncer chair or in his cot watching his Pooh Bear mobile than he has been before.

We've all had the winter lurgy but so far Freddie seems to have avoided it so hoping it stays that way!

Counting down the days till Chrimbo!!


Sunday, 4 December 2011

Freddie's first Holiday!


We have just got back from a fabulous fun filled week at Center Parcs! It's winter wonderland time so we have loved every 'Christmassy' minute of it!

Here is Freddie enjoying his first swim.....

He wasn't sure at first but after a few minutes he relaxed and seemed to enjoy the feeling of the water and took in the surroundings of the dome!

We stayed in one of the big woodland lodges with all of the Dear's including cousin Zachary...

Happy boys enjoying their holiday!

Freddie knew he was on holiday and decided he was not going to bed without a fight in the evenings! He struggled more than usual with his wind and griping for the first day or two so his Dad and Grandpops went on a mission to find the closest shop that sold 'colief' drops and I have to say the difference when he started on those was massive. He isn't pulling his legs up very much anymore now and settles after his bottles much easier. Happier boy in general.

Its not a secret that we like Christmas in the Sawyer household...

Freddie looks like santa's grumpy little helper with his eyes shut and arms crossed!

Freddie also had his first trip to see Santa with his big brother and got a present.

This was taken during Samuel's favourite game of the week; dressing up as Santa and delivering presents to everyone  He's using Freddie's sling as his sack here! How fab is the woodland picture on the wall!

Freddie is coming on leaps and bounds, we can't wait to find out how much he weighs next week as he's looking like a little chunker these days.

 I have to confess to having a little moment at Center Parcs when we were all stood on the beach listening to the choir singing and waiting for the fireworks. I remember not long ago when we didn't know if Freddie would be well enough to be out of hospital never mind be going on holiday and mixed emotions of remembering the bad times and being ridiculously happy having him with us caused a few tears!

Massive thanks to Mamma and Grandpops, Auntie Emma, Uncle Dint and Zachary and of course his Daddy and big brother for making Freddie's first holiday one to remember.


Saturday, 26 November 2011

New pics!

Freddie looking gorgeous on 25.11.11

Whats with all the bubbles mum?!

Ha Ha! Tell the one about the chicken crossing the road again!!

Blurred but an absolute classic! My happy little boy!


Friday, 25 November 2011

Friday 25th November

Hello everyone,

Freddie now weighs 9lb 1oz! He's gone up to nearly the 25th centile for his weight on the growth chart.

He's doing fab and is a very smiley boy these days! He still fits into newborn clothes but 0-3 months size is starting to fit him nicely now too.

He usually wakes up for two feeds during the night but he definitely seems to have grasped the concept that nighttime is bed time! (Most nights anyway!)

Not a lot more to say at the mo. Jon and I are just loving the hectic normality of having a toddler and a baby at home and feel very lucky.


Friday, 18 November 2011

Friday 18th November 2011

Happy Friday everyone!

All is well in the Sawyer household.
Freddie had a check up at the congenital heart centre at Glenfield yesterday. He had an ECHO scan on his heart and an ECG scan. He also had his oxygen level and his blood pressure checked.
After a fairly long and anxious wait the doctor called us in to say they don't need to see him for 3 months which is great news.
I have to say they don't give you much information unless you ask specifically.This is very frustrating as I often come away remembering things I wanted to ask but forgot at the time because you just want to get out of there in case they change their minds and say something is wrong!
The doctor said that the blood flow looked good on Freddie's scans. It was tricky to get an accurate reading and they did say some of the numbers were a bit high because he was screaming his little head off bless him.
He has officially come off his diuretics (water medicine) which is a great milestone to have reached. The doctor struggled to find a pulse in Freddie's legs and when he did he said it felt quite weak. However he said that this does not mean anything at the moment as it is difficult to feel a baby's pulse in his legs especially when they wont stop wriggling! They will just keep monitoring this at his check ups.

Generally Freddie is doing all the things you would expect a month old baby to do (his corrected age from when he was due). He has been a bit difficult to settle over the last couple of days and seems to be even more windy than usual so we have started using infacol which will hopefully help with that. He is becoming more and more aware of his surroundings. His reaction to Samuel is so lovely, he always follows his voice and Samuel gets the most attempted smiles from Freddie.
He weighed in at 8 lb 5 oz at Glenfield yesterday so he is gaining weight at a good rate.

We're all very excited about Christmas and are so thankful to have our little star home for all the festivities.


Monday, 14 November 2011

Monday 14th November 2011

8 lbs and growing!
Freddie is doing so well, he has put on 6 oz in a few days and now weighs 8 lbs. The health visitor has been over today and has took his length and head circumference measurements as well as weighing him. He is on the 9th centile line on 'boys weight' graph in the 'red book' (this is using his corrected age from his due date). He is almost on the 25th centile line for his length and the same for his head circumference.
Very pleased with his progress.

He is fitting nicely into newborn clothes now instead of early/tiny baby ones.
Freddie is trying to smile more and more and often pulls little faces when he's happy and awake with a full tummy!

Look at these two trouble causes!

Although....butter wouldn't melt!

To get in the Christmas spirit of giving Heart Link (East Midlands charity for children with congenital heart disease) are selling Christmas Tree tags for £1 with the opportunity to say thank you to a member of staff or a ward. If you want to add a tag to the tree ( Freddie was on the Children's Ward 30) you can send a message and donation to Heart Link, Freepost 24384, Leics, LE3 6ZJ. Please don't feel like you have to, your support to us has been invaluable.

lots of love

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Thursday 10th October

Freddie now weighs 7lb 10oz! He's doing really well and has put on 10oz in one week which is great especially given he is not on the high energy formula anymore.
He is starting to go a little longer between feeds but is still a very hungry boy and often makes up for it by not being satisfied and demanding more milk!
He's very alert and awake and loves looking around. He loves his big brother and likes to look at him and listen to him (doesn't have much of a choice with the listening!)

Very busy in the Sawyer household at the mo as you can imagine so just a few pics to keep you updated. Freddie's next heart scan at Glenfield is a week today so will let you know how that goes.

Both boys having a calm moment

                                       Slowly catching up to his gorgeous hunk of a cousin!

Samuel....the protector of all babies!


Friday, 4 November 2011

Friday 4th November 2011

Freddie had his first appointment at the Children's development centre at the City hospital yesterday.
It went very well, the doctor who saw us yesterday was one of the ones involved in his care when he was born. He told us that Freddie was certainly one of the more interesting cases they have had at the hospital...'interesting' was certainly not one of the words we used at the time! He said that usually when a baby is born with a heart flutter like Freddie was, the doctors sort the rhythm problem out and that is usually the last of the heart problems. For it to be then discovered that Freddie had coarctation of the aorta made him rather unique.

We discussed the follow up visit Freddie had at Glenfield and the future appointments he will attend. We told the doctor that before we were discharged from Glenfield we were told that there was another minor narrowing in Freddie's heart that they were going to monitor closely. It became apparent that we did not know much about this narrowing when the doctor asked where in the heart it is and what vessels it may affect? Given that this narrowing was not mentioned at Freddie's follow up visit and that his blood flow had improved we are hoping that this means it is not a major concern. The doctor we saw yesterday said he would contact the consultant at Glenfield to get the details of this other narrowing.

Freddie definitely tends to get more windy at night and the doc said he might have 'night colic' which might actually just be normal colic but parents notice it more during the night when they are more tired! He is definitely more settled during the day though and seems to catch up on his lack on night time sleep when the rest of us are awake! The doctor did say though that he wouldn't have been able to establish any sleeping patterns in the hospitals because tests and procedures were carried out at any time day or night.

We have been advised that when it comes to Freddie's development (smiling, rolling, sitting etc) we should treat him as his corrected age (which is almost 3 weeks) rather than is actual age. This wont be the case when he gets past approx 12 months as he will have most likely caught up by then.

He weighed in at seven pounds yesterday so he's catching up to the average newborn weight.

We're all starting to get excited about Center Parcs which is only a few weeks away and then Christmas!


Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Tuesday 1st November

Happy Halloween!


Freddie now weighs 6lb 8oz! He put on half a pound in four days which is fab. We have got an appointment at the children's development centre at the city hospital on Thursday so we should be able to chat about his weight gain and the formula he is on with the specialist.
He's a very hungry boy , especially overnight!
We have all been out and about together which is lovely. Freddie went to Mamma and Grandpop's house for the first time last week. We took him on the bus to the Robin Hood festival on Sunday which was lots of fun.

It's hard to believe Freddie is ten weeks old already! He is such a star and despite the little sleep we are getting he makes us so happy and makes our little family complete.

Samuel's first hold of his little bro!

snoozy time!


Thursday, 27 October 2011

Thursday 27th October

Freddie now weighs six pounds! (2.72 kg)

Freddie's teddy bear impression in his new gorgeous snowsuit!

I had to take him to the doctors today because he isn't pooing very well bless him. A combination of the formula he has and the iron medicine he is taking isn't helping with that situation. He seems to become more uncomfortable at night which meant very little sleep for us last night! The doctor has prescribed some lactulose for him so hopefully that will start to work soon.
He is very lively and has a serious problem with being put down when he could be being cuddled!

It is starting to become difficult already to imagine that there was ever anything wrong with him!

Morning time with my boys, Samuel showing affection towards Freddie without having to take his eyes of his 'doggy game.'

For those of you in the East Midlands, next Monday on BBC 1 at 7:30pm there is a programme called Inside Out and it is about the congenital heart centre at Glenfield and the government proposal which could mean that children's heart surgery wont be carried out there any longer.

The stress and anxiety a family goes through when their child needs heart surgery is indescribable but to add to that by making families have to travel hours and hours to the hospital would be further torture.

The government has set out four options for creating safe and sustainable children's congenital heart services in the UK. Out of the four options, Glenfield remaining a centre for children's heart surgery is only included in one, which is option A.
Not light bedtime reading but very interesting stuff. It is unfortunate that it has taken Freddie's illness to make us aware of the situation at Glenfield and around the UK.

To finish today's post, a pic of Freddie looking fab!


Monday, 24 October 2011

Monday 24th October 2011

Freddie had his first trip to the congenital heart centre outpatients unit at Glenfield.

We have had a busy day today. Freddie had his stitches removed from the wound where his chests drains were (didn't watch that happening!). The wound has healed nicely and he just has a few scabs that will drop off.
Then Freddie had an Echo scan on his heart.
I had to wait for quite a while for the doctor to speak to me which was quite nerve wracking but when he did he said that the scan was fine.
Freddie's heart is working well and the small narrowing that they are keeping a close eye on has opened a little at the moment so the blood is better. The doctor explained that as babies grow so does the heart and the arteries so often the narrowings sort themselves out.
The doctor said that we should be getting some follow up visits from the City hospital because Freddie was born so prematurely. Because everything has been focused on Freddie's heart issues we haven't had any discussions with doctors about what to expect development wise from a baby that was born prematurely.
I have spoken to the city hospital and these appointments are in the process of being made.

A very tiring day after not much sleep last night but we're thrilled that things are looking good with Freddie. His next appointment is mid November for another scan.

Samuel has been a really good boy during today's hospital visit, mostly due to the entertaining powers of Grandpops! Well done that man!


Saturday, 22 October 2011

Saturday 22nd October 2011


Freddie is really settling in at home now. In the last 24 hours his wind/griping seem to have settled down a lot and he is taking more milk than he was a couple of days ago. He hasn't been sick at all last night or today and has looked really comfortable all day. 
I was starting to get a bit worried about him this morning because he seemed a bit lethargic but typically as soon as I started thinking this he woke up and was awake for a good few hours. 
Freddie has enjoyed meeting a few new people this week and looks forward to meeting more of his friends to be! 

He had a lovely visit from his Nanan and Grandad and Auntie Michelle and Uncle Steven today. He missed out on the pizza unfortunately but I'm sure he'll make up for that when he is older!

I'm sure I got a little smile from him yesterday (which wasn't wind related) and am looking forward to seeing more smiles hopefully very soon. 

Freddie's check up at Glenfield is on Monday at which they will carry out an Echo scan on his heart and take his stitches out as well as weighing him. 

Freddie is nine weeks old tomorrow!


Thursday, 20 October 2011

Thursday 20th October 2011

It is so lovely to be dealing with normal baby issues rather than medical and hospital issues all of the time!

Freddie is already showing signs that he would much rather be having a cuddle than in his pram or basket. He is still a little 'grunter' with his wind but it doesn't seem to be bothering him too much at the moment. He was actually more awake during the day yesterday than he was overnight - Whoo!

We're seeing some friends today which is lovely because I have waited a long time to show this little man off in person!

All the boys together at last! In age order... Samuel, Freddie and Zachary! What fun these boys are going to have and what trouble they will cause us!

Just chilling.

Little Freddie's cheeks are getting a bit chubbier every day!

First trip to Morrisons (of thousands no doubt) with Mummy, Mamma and Samuel)


Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Wednesday 19th October


Freddie now weighs in at five pounds, six ounces.  He has put on an ounce a day since he has been home which the health visitor said is fantastic. He's causing a little bit of bother with his feeds. He has been grunting and writhing around quite a lot when he seems to get too much air on his bottle (which sometimes then results in pukesville!) he also seems to be quite uncomfortable lying flat on his back and although doesn't cry much with it he makes some rather uncomfortable noises. We have had some advice from the health visitor and are just keeping a close eye on him because he is on iron which could make him constipated! Poor little thing.

I think it will take time to really settle into a proper family routine again (although anyone with a new born baby at home knows routine is out of the window!) but we are loving having both our boys at home!

Will post some more pics soon!


Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Tuesday 18th October 2011

Freddie has had his first trip onto the Avenue in West Bridgford. Shopping with Mummy, Mamma and Auntie Lisa. It was rather windy so he was all wrapped up bless him. We had a walk to the park and his big brother had a play then the boys were subjected to a bit of M&S shopping! Poor things.

He continues to be quite sleepy during the day and much more active at night!
I have got him booked in at the doctors for his first vaccinations on the 31st October and will feel a bit more relaxed about visitors and taking him places once he has had these.
The health visitor is coming today so we're hoping Freddie will have put some weight on. He looks like he has to us but it is difficult to tell when you see him all the time.

More blogging once I find some time!!

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Sunday 16th October 2011

It feels strange to admit it but already the thought of intensive care units, surgery and ventilator tubes and wires seems like a bad dream, like it must of happened to someone else.
Don't get me wrong, tomorrow I will be ringing the hospital booking Freddie in for his week one check at the heart centre and no doubt having the health visitor round to discuss things, so the medical issues are always going to be in our minds but this weekend has been the family time away from the suffocating environment of the hospitals that we have so craved over the past eight weeks.

Freddie has been a star. He has ate, slept, filled his nappy and cried - exactly the things a baby should do! He is much more lively at night and spends most of the day at the moment sleeping, waking for his feed, having a bit of wind, having his nappy changed and then sleeping again. At three am today he was wide eyed and calm, taking in his new surroundings.

He is still a pale fragile looking little man but hopefully the way he attacks his bottle when it is milk time should remedy that soon. I can honestly say that we haven't yet had a panic over anything health related yet. The only worry I have had is how 'windy' he looks after some of his feeds. He grunts and goes red and pulls his legs up but I know this is common with many babies. He is much better when he has a feed of normal cow and gate formula instead of the high energy formula so we are mixing and matching which is what the dietitian originally recommended anyway but the consultant overruled it because he wants to see Freddie 'fatten up'.

Freddie's first trip in his pram!

First proper bath! He's not impressed!

Where have all the noisey beeping machines gone Daddy?

His favourite position, soaking up the sun in his pram in the conservatory!

One trip to mothercare later... a bag full bigger than Freddie in his car seat!


Saturday, 15 October 2011

Saturday 15th October 2011


Not much time to give you all the detail given that we have a tiny man in the house to look after (whoo!) Basically, on Thursday we were told that Freddie's blood tests had shown a risen infection level so they needed keep a close eye on him. We were gutted as last time that happened he ended up at the Royal hospital on a ventilator! However, yesterday the doctors told us that the infection he had was small and was from the central line that used to be in his groin. They said they were happy that Freddie was looking well and feeding well so were just going to do another blood test. The results from that test showed that the infection had gone and Freddie was fine. 

We were told that all being well and as long as Freddie put a bit of weight on we would be able to either be discharged on Monday and just take Freddie for an appointment at QMC for administration purposes or if the doctors wanted him monitored some more he would be transferred to a bed an the neonatal ward at QMC. 
We were quite happy with this give the day before we were thinking the worse and expecting to be told Freddie would have to stay in for much longer. 
A couple of hours after getting home from the hospital yesterday I got a phone call to say that we could go and pick him up! Fair to say we were in a bit of shock! Apparently the consultants had decided that he was well enough to go home and fatten up their!

So here we are, we have to give him a couple of medicines and he is on a high energy formula but other than that he is acting like any normal tiny baby! 

It hasn't really sunk in yet and to be honest we haven't really had time to get all emotional but I'm sure that will come! 

I'm going to keep blogging with Freddie's progress whenever I get the chance. 
Thanks again to everyone for their continued support, we'll never forget how wonderful people have been. 

Goodbye children's ward!!

A very excited Mummy and Samuel

A tiny sleeping Freddie back where he should be!!!

Happiness at last!

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

12th October 2011

Very fed up of hospitals now! The closer we seem to get to bringing Freddie home the more impatient I become!

He's had a good day, just doing usual baby stuff - lots of feeds, lots of cuddles and lots of dirty nappies for Mummy! He has had a blood test today, the doctor thought he was looking a little paler than yesterday so they want to check his blood count. But they did say it was also for a check before he is discharged which is always good to hear. I don't think he has looked pale today, he's looked nice and rosey this afternoon! Freddie has also had a chest x-ray today to check that the air hasn't accumulated again and the doctors are happy that it hasn't. His leg has gone back to something like normal size now so it seems to be fine.

The doctors want to see Freddie put some weight on before they discharge him but have said if all is well it should be the weekend.

Jon brought Samuel to see Freddie tonight. He was very sweet, he held Freddie's bottle with me and helped me change his nappy. We were able to take Freddie into the playroom with Samuel and his Daddy got to have a nice cuddle.

Hoping he's put some weight on when they weigh him in the morning.


Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Tuesday 11th October 2011

Freddie is now officially line free! He has no more nasty things sticking in him and isn't hooked up to any machines permanently so I have been able to walk around with him in my arms for the first time today.

He has had his chest drain taken out and his central line. The leg into which the central line goes has been very swollen today which I wasn't very happy about because the doctors should have taken it out yesterday but it is looking better now they have removed the line. He had his nasal canula taken off because he doesn't need to be on any oxygen and his stomach tube taken out his nose because he is taking his bottle feeds really well.

What progress!
We are still on track for bringing him home soon

First time I have seen his face without any horrible tubes. What a gorgeous boy if I do say so myself!


Monday, 10 October 2011

Monday 10th October 2011

Today if there could have been a way to shut off the unpleasant noises and stresses of the children's ward I could have just about imagined having Freddie at home with us. He is acting so much more like you would expect a 'normal' new born baby to act.
He is taking his feeds brilliantly in his bottle and being nice and settled in between meal times.

The doctors were supposed to be taking Freddie's chest drain and central line out today but there was a breakdown in communication due to a very hectic day in the children's ward and it has not been done. The doctor has apologised and said that it should be clamped first thing in the morning and then x ray'd with a view to removing it early afternoon. This would also mean that he can have his nasal canula removed and the annoying sticky plasters covering half of his face!
It can be very frustrating on the ward, especially on busy days. The staff there are very good and very friendly but today they were a bit low on numbers and it was very busy with new children coming onto the ward. Just before I left the hospital tonight I noticed Freddie's right leg was a bit swollen and when I looked at his foot I could see that the oxygen probe they had put on was wrapped around his little foot ridiculously tight. They are meant to swap the position its in regularly but it obviously had been overlooked and his poor little foot was bright red and swollen. I swapped it over and voiced my annoyance!

In typical baby fashion Freddie has been nice and settled today except for just when I was about to leave him! He decided to wake up and very quickly become angry that he wasn't being fed (only an hour and a half after his last feed). So I gave him a bottle, during which he decided to do the biggest, smelliest poo he's done in his life so far. So I changed his nappy (in his incubator which is an art in itself) and he decided to wee whilst his nappy was off all over his sheets and his baby gro. AGGGGHHH! Change of nappy, clothes, sheets later and after a bit more milk he was still wide awake but much happier!

Peekaboo everyone!

Milky drunk! That's a newborn size bib he's got on, its just about the size of him!

This is definitely one for his 18th birthday! Judge Freddie!
