Freddie is much better and the broncholitis seems to have cleared. He still has a bit of a cold but just sneezes and snuffles.
He has officially reached a stone! He weighed in at fourteen stone, three ounces yesterday.
Compared to this little tiddler we brought home from hospital! What a difference!
We attempted to wean him off his colief drops in his milk again recently but he is still not ready. He wasn't griping as much as last time we tried to stop them but we could tell it still made him uncomfortable. The GP has said that his gut obviously isn't mature enough yet to handle breaking down the lactose in milk. We will give it a few weeks and then try again.
The health visitor thinks that Freddie has started teething because he is drooling a bit now and chewing on his hands and anything else he can get a hold of. She has recommended we look for signs of him being ready for solid foods from six months onwards. He is just over five months at the moment and seems happy to just have his milk for now. Apparently when babies are born prematurely the rule of thumb is to half the number of weeks they were early and add that to the standard recommended age of weaning. So in Freddie's case that would be four weeks added on to six months. So technically he should be ready for solids at about seven months but every baby is different so we'll just look out for the signs.
Cheeky chappy! He is always sticking his tongue out.
Our gorgeous smiley boy, I could eat him up!!
I'll just leave you with a photo of what happens to the children in our house once they are passed this baby, not being able to talk, not being able to walk, not being able to throw tantrums stage...
They are put to work!
14 STONE blumin ek lol hes looking amazing always has tho what a sweetie growing up so fast love estelle
ReplyDeleteThanks estelle, I know he's really filling out now! He's got some right chubby cheeks on him now (don't know where he gets that from!!)