It's been a while since I have written about what Freddie has been up to. Its been a busy few weeks with Easter and the school holidays. Come to think of it every week is busy with two cheeky monkeys to look after!
Freddie is doing great, he's such a little character. He's sitting with very little support now and is trying to roll over but hasn't quite got there - wont be long I don't think! We are eager to see a teggy tooth or two start poking through because he keeps having bouts of major teething. Buckets of drool, rosey cheeks and biting everything he possibly can are the typical symptoms.
He's eating very well and his favourite at the moment seems to be his morning porridge with banana. Definitely takes after his brother on that one!
We had a great Easter. The Easter Bunny hid lots of chocolate eggs for Samuel to find and even a 'Freddo Frog' one from his brother which he was quite excited about.
Freddie's trying his best to catch up size-wise with his cousin. Watch out, these two cheeky monkeys are going to be trouble when they're toddling!
Freddie is in size 6-9 month t-shirts and vests but still size 3-6 month trousers. The doctor has told us he is bigger than average and going to be a big lad but he seems to be longer in the body rather than all legs like his brother!
He has started enjoying going in his walker but his feet don't touch the floor yet and he pushes his legs back which makes him look like he's doing a Superman impression!
Freddie trying out his papoose for the first time...
As you can see he's coming on leaps and bounds. Our little star! We had the good news last week that the bigger monkey man got into the primary school we wanted. We're really pleased but I was quite emotional because it made reality hit - he's starting school in five months! Silly Mummy!
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