I have already taken on more work and so I will be plenty busy enough but it is just the prospect of no longer having those spontaneous days with either of them when places aren't very busy because it's term time.
We've been having a few issues with Freddie's temper recently. Out and about and when with other people he is usually perfectly fine. His behaviour is usually very good and it is difficult to explain what the problem is...
He's angry.
We're not sure what makes him angry but sometimes he is just so angry that a red mist descends and there is no pulling him out of it.
His anger mostly comes out when we are at home and something tips him over the edge e.g. no batteries in his music player...duck and cover people!
This anger was being directed our way during pre-school drops but fingers crossed the past few weeks have seen an improvement in the separation. I'm really hoping this continues as otherwise the daily school run come September could be a nightmare.
Anyhoo we have had a little bit of advice about how to deal with tantrums and are trying a few new Super Nanny type methods so we'll see if they help.
Here are some pics of some recent fun days out...
Twin Lakes with the cousins...
York for the day...
Bridlington for the day...