Sunday, 31 May 2015

Sunday 31st May 2015

Fun in the Forest

Sherwood Pines on a May day...
With lots of play areas and things to get stuck into Sherwood Pines is a fab day out

Mushroom house

I couldn't resist trying to capture some arty photos. I could have spent all day just playing with the camera!

Construction site

Its a work in progress

The trees are great for hide and seek

And can also be used as swords

Good job Daddy's there to help

Here's Johnny, I mean Samuel!

We loved these funny face trees

Lords of the Manor

Freddie, King of the Game of Moans.

A little bit spooky actually

If you go down to the woods today

This little man could have spent all day playing house

The Superworm trail is lots of fun

Great view from Freddie's house

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Thursday 28th May 2015

Half Term Fun

If you've never visited Green's Windmill in Sneinton, Nottingham and live nearby then it is an absolute must with the little ones during the holidays or at the weekend.
Free parking and free entry and you get to go explore around the working mill, look and play around the little museum and shop and have fun on the fab playground and picnic area.
We had lots of fun with our friends the Harris family and followed some of the trails around the windmill

 The stairs are very steep in the mill but this very grown-up pair did very well and the younger two had a bit of assistance!

 You know us Sawyer's mean business when we've got a clipboard

We work hard, we play hard

A very proud Freddie with his trail prize

Treat time

Like mother like daughter

Race Time

Action shot!

Us mum's take racing very seriously

Young love!!

Monday, 25 May 2015

Monday 25th May 2015

Happy Bank Holiday!
The weeks are literally flying by at the moment. I can't believe how long it is since I last updated 'Little Freddie.'
On the one hand I am trying to make the most of the next few months before little man starts school but on the other I don't want to make the separation even more difficult (for either of us) by going over the top, doing things we wouldn't normally do.
We are looking forward to the half term week ahead but the boys have already been having lots of adventures recently
Helloooo! The boys went on a trip to the Heights of Abraham in Matlock with Mamma and Grandpops recently

They had a fantastic day and thankfully Mummy wasn't there to freak out on the cable car!

Brave boys loved it

Lucky boys


We've had a trip to the golf course, Samuel is really getting the hang of it and Freddie loves having a go.

Love this photo of the boys and I. This was taken at Worsborough Mill up in Yorkshire

Samuel had a fun inset day with Daddy at Sherwood pines

The boys have had plenty of outside time. This is a lovely photo with Zachary.

The hubby and I enjoying an evening out

Daddy has had a brilliant weekend away with Grandpops and Uncle Dint watching the golf in Wentworth

The men of the house had to take over Daddy's role for a couple of days!

The dolls house started pink and the boys weren't happy...
Make it blue!

A well earned rest