Sunday, 15 September 2013

Sunday 15th September 2013

Jon and I have been married six years today.

We went out for tea to celebrate this afternoon and I sat thinking how peaceful and relaxed going out for dinner must have been six years ago!

If it wasn't for that cheesy chat up line in Wakefield's 'Flares', or that first date to the cinema to see a scary film (which just happened to mean I had to cuddle up to him) our gorgeous boys might not even have arrived.

I am currently sat on the landing outside of Freddie's bedroom writing this and singing 'mamma's on the bus' as requested, in order to try and get the little monkey to sleep.
And who said romance goes out of the window once the children arrive!

I thought I would take this opportunity to give a Freddie update.

The little star/Tasmanian devil is coming on leaps and bounds.

We had a great summer.
Our holiday in Bude was definitely the highlight. He even donned a wetsuit to fit in with all the surfer dudes.
Freddie is doing well at nursery two days a week. He still doesn't like being dropped off but soon forgets and has fun with his carers and friends.
His key worker has commented on his increasing ability to spend all day chatting away... I don't know where he gets that from.

He is starting to fill out a little now. He has his two year review with the health visitor this week so it will be interesting to know his height and weight.

He has a completely different personality to Samuel. The difference in the two of them is quite extreme.
They get on well though, most of the time. I actually think Samuel is sometimes a little terrified of Freddie's tantrums and so doesn't mind losing the fight over a toy.
He enjoys taking Samuel to school, but prefers picking him up. His latest saying is ..."'Samul' play with me."
As you can see from the photo the big lad is looking about eight years old in his school uniform, rather than the five that he is. He's a superstar and has done very well settling back into school.

Freddie has an appointment at Glenfield in October for his heart scan and chat with the consultant. Not dwelling on that too much at the moment. Will lose sleep over it nearer the time.

So to sum up Freddie is a healthy, feisty, handsome (obviously), early rising, bright little dude.

Some snaps from over the summer...