The last day of his first year at primary school.
The 'year' has absolutely flown by.
It does not seem like two minutes ago since I was sat weeping in the playground in front of lots of unfamiliar faces after dropping him off on that first day.
He has come so far since those first few unsure weeks and we are very proud of him.
The school run has absolutely become a big part of our daily routine and although it will be nice to have a break it won't be long before we are missing it.
Freddie is a firm favourite of many of Samuel's class mates. They often crowd round his buggy calling him 'baby Freddie'. Sometimes he might grace them with a royal wave, other times he snubs them with a definitive "no" in their faces!
I saw a few Mums of the older children moving on, crying at school today and that nearly set me off!
Thank goodness that's quite a number of years off for us yet!
Samuel's first school report is a pleasure to read. He has done well in all aspects of his first experience of formal education.
His class teacher has commented that Samuel has finally realised that it is ok to get things wrong-that is how you learn. Because he was worried about failing he was worried to try new things. She says his confidence has continued to grow and over the last few weeks she felt he had finally come out of his shell.
My favourite bit is from his key worker...
"Samuel is an absolute joy to have...he is always so positive about everything we do and puts 100% effort into all our activities. I will miss our little chats each week.
Well done champ