Sunday, 16 June 2013

Sunday 16th June 2013

Samuel turns five next week so we have had a weekend of birthday and Father's Day fun!

We had a party at home on Saturday with lots of Samuel's friends.
Despite the increasingly threatening rain clouds we actually had some sunshine and the kids had fun playing in the garden and eating lots of pizza and jelly and ice cream.

Today we went to Wollaton Hall with the family. Again after fretting all week about the weather, the sun shone beautifully and we had a great day.
We played archery, bowls, football and Samuel had a go on his new bike.

We also took Samuel on a super hero animal trail in the Hall which was fun.

I'm not massively impressed with my baby turning five already but I like enjoying birthday celebrations!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Tuesday 11th June 2013

On Sunday we Joined the lovely people of HeartLink and other members at the annual Twin Lakes day out.

As anticipated it was a fantastically fun day
First of all I have to post these 'then and now' photos...

     Cuddles with the little chubster last year and cuddles with my big boy this year!

         Samuel: "If I open my eyes wide enough my super powers will melt these bars!"
         Freddie: "Seriously mum, get me away from this nutter!"

 Log flume fun for the big lads and at last a ride Freddie is big enough for... alas it is the slowest train ever!!

Ahh, I see. This is where the ball goes.

No, this is much better.

A great day!

Sorry for the tiny size of the photos.
My ipad does not like blogging!