Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Tuesday 29th May 2013

Just a little post to mark the fact that Freddie had his first session at nursery on his own today!

He was only there for a couple of hours.
When we left him he was too busy playing to get upset.

Once he had realised we had left he there were quite a few tears but he also enjoyed the toys and games.

It was a bit heartbreaking when we picked him up and he was crying into his bean-bake tea! Sob!

Overall though his key worker was happy with how he did.

One more practice session and then he starts two days a week!
Big boy stuff!

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Saturday 25th May 2013

We have just returned from our first holiday abroad as a foursome.

We went to Cala Bona in Majorca for a week and had a fantastic time.

The boys were great on the flights and Freddie slept quite a lot on the plane.

We stayed at the hotel Bonaire which was superb for families with young children.
We spent the whole week playing, swimming, eating and drinking lots of yummy things.

Seeing the boys playing together in the sunshine made us feel very lucky.

I took a ridiculous amount of photos so here is a selection...

Monday, 6 May 2013

Monday 6th May 2013

It has been a very busy couple of weeks for Freddie and the rest of us.

Our new niece and Samuel and Freddie's beautiful cousin Sienna Ruth arrived on 24th April.

Well done bro and Emma, she is so gorgeous. A little princess at last!
I hope she likes pink.

The boys have both been on top form.
Freddie is a real chatterbox (no idea where he gets that from) and is trying to repeat lots of words.

Some of his favourite words at the moment are:

Eeeeeee (that's what he calls me)
Pad (ipad!)
Cheese (when he sees the camera)
Pear (even when it's an apple)

Bank holiday madness...

As usual it has been a busy bank holiday.

We celebrated the naming ceremony of Freddie and Samuel's good friend Charlie.
It was a lovely day and the boys had lots of fun.

Freddie has recently started swimming lessons at the same time as his big brother.
This is a serious work out for Daddy too because it involves things like the Hokey Cokey in the water!

We joined some of Samuel's school friends and mum's and Dad's at the pub- the kids loved playing on the playground and the parents loved a beverage or two!

Today we had a lovely day at Clumber Park with the family.

Along with what I am sure was the entire population of the East Midlands we soaked up some serious bank holiday sunshine....