Friday, 8 March 2013

Friday 8th March 2013

A day in the life of Freddie Mark Sawyer....

6am: Wake mum and dad up to sit in their bed and watch a bit of postman pat.

7am: eat breakfast with Samuel, my favourite is weetabix but I'm partial to a bit of porridge too.

7.30: play with Samuel whilst Mummy asks him at least fifty times to start getting dressed for school.

8.30: the school run begins. I have only recently realised that actually it is ok with me when Mummy talks to other Mummy's. I quite like buggy time at present.

The rest of the morning: my favourite things to do in the morning are playgroups, Jo jingles, visiting family and friends. Sometimes mummy takes me to the supermarket which is ok but not my favourite thing to do!

12pm: lunch time.  I have started to feed myself a little now. I love a jacket potato with cheesy beans for lunch!

12.30: Nap time. I love my bed, my lambs, my dumtrot (dummy) but most of all my sheety!

3pm: It's that time again- school run. Mummy's friend usually has some Choc Choc for me so the afternoon school run is quite nice.
Samuel always looks quite pleased to see me.

4.30pm: Daddy's home!! Always a very exciting time. I like a big cuddle from Daddy straight away and want all of his attention!

6pm: after dinner it is time for a bath. Me and my brother make as much mess possible throwing toys everywhere and splashing water around the bathroom.

6.30pm: my favourite time. I get all giddy when mummy or daddy is putting my pj's on and like a bit of a wrestle. After that its milky time!

7pm: I'm off to my bed to see lamby again. I might wake mummy and daddy up in the night if I get a bit bored!


Friday, 1 March 2013

Friday 1st March 2013

Cutest baby award goes to....

(Not that I'm biased or anything)