Today was Freddie's check up at the congenital heart centre at Glenfield hospital.
I'll start by saying that it went well and that the doctors were pleased with him.
As usual, the butterflies were building up yesterday in preparation for his appointment. We've had no reason to think that Freddie's heart health is deteriorating but there is still that sense of dread that the doctors might have bad news.
It is not even just the worry surrounding Freddie's scan results that induce the nervous, sickly feeling I get each time we begin the drive to Glenfield. It is the memories that are instantly dug up from some hidden place in my mind as soon as we set off.
Anyway, the appointment is over now so those feelings and memories can be squashed again. We don't have to take Freddie back to Glenfield until October so big sigh of relief from us all!
Freddie's numbers were all good - oxygen level, heart rate, blood pressure etc.
The ECHO he had showed a very similar picture to his previous scans. There is still a narrow area of the aorta that the doctors are monitoring but it is not getting any worse.
Today the doctor emphasised that this area is where he had his surgery and the narrowing probably due to the sutures put in place. She also said that it is not affecting the function of his heart.
Freddie has not put any weight on in the last month or so but he is so much more active these days and the doctor was not concerned.
Overall we are very pleased with the how the appointment went.
The nerves have taken a bit of a beating today but a glass of wine tonight will soon remedy that.
In other news....Freddie can now sit by himself!
He's interacting with people, his surroundings and his toys more than ever. He seems very close to being able to roll from his back to his tummy.
As yet there are no teeth poking through but there are buckets full of drool most days so we anticipate their arrival anytime soon!
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Friday, 25 May 2012
Friday 25th May 2012
Freddie enjoyed his first trip to Skegness at the weekend.
Here are some snaps...
Enjoying some soft play fun!
First time the brothers have shared a bedroom.
It was a success!
Samuel entertaining his cousins.
All those toys and the spoons provided the most entertainment.
Freddie is doing great. He was a good boy on holiday and really enjoyed his swimming which was great. He's got a bit of a heat rash now with these sticky temperatures but we've all been enjoying the sunshine...
Sitting in his turtle paddling pool!
Enjoying some shade and some wiggle time!
Ahhh, happy boys enjoying a cuddle.
Monday, 21 May 2012
Monday 21st May 2012
Freddie is nine months old today!
In some ways it is hard to believe Freddie is nine months old already, time does fly. However, in other ways it feels like a lifetime ago when we were watching that tiny little speck of a baby fight to get stronger.
Look at him now...
For the boys..
Samuel and Freddie, you both bring so much happiness into our lives. You are so loved.
Freddie you can't talk yet but you are already bossing us all around and are such a character. You look at me with those big baby blue eyes and my heart melts.
Samuel, you make us smile every day and could never imagine how proud we are of you.
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Tuesday 15th May 2012
Freddie Update!
Little man is not far away from being nine months old (can you believe it!) so I thought I would post a quick update on how the cheeky chappy is doing.
He's really coming on with his movements, lots of rolling from tummy to back and lots of grabbing and pulling at toys (and anything he can get his hands on). I've noticed it is taking Freddie a little longer than expected to be able to hold himself in a sitting position. He tends to lean forwards quickly and then he ends up on his tummy. To say he was two months premature though he is not that far behind. This last week he has really started to hold his back upright for longer so he's very close to sitting.
He's got a very strong personality. He doesn't like it when I leave the room, and stops what he is doing when he sees me heading in the direction of a door! Just like his brother.
He's very vocal and shouts at us quite a bit. Lots of DA DA DA DA's at the moment.
We tried him on a follow up formula which babies can go on once they are six months old but it seemed to upset his stomach a bit so we have gone back to the original sma milk which he still loves.
He's eating his dinners well. Three meals a day. Usually porridge or weetabix for breakfast, a veggie and meat dish for lunch then something fruity for tea!
Last week I had to take Freddie for a blood test at the QMC after we were at A&E the week before due to a non-blanching rash that he had on his legs. The results from the tests that were originally carried out showed that the numbers for his blood clotting test were a bit out of the norm. However, the doctor said this can happen when they have had a virus (Freddie had a nasty ear and chest infection a couple of weeks before). The results from the tests last week were all normal, phew!
We recently received a letter from Glenfield hospital - a summary of Freddie's last appointment. The letter didn't contain any information we weren't aware of which is always a bonus. The doctor did once again confirm that Freddie has another "mild to moderate coarctation of the aorta". Its scary but we knew about it and at the moment no action is needed because it is not affecting the function of his heart.
To end on a lighter note....
Little man is not far away from being nine months old (can you believe it!) so I thought I would post a quick update on how the cheeky chappy is doing.
He's really coming on with his movements, lots of rolling from tummy to back and lots of grabbing and pulling at toys (and anything he can get his hands on). I've noticed it is taking Freddie a little longer than expected to be able to hold himself in a sitting position. He tends to lean forwards quickly and then he ends up on his tummy. To say he was two months premature though he is not that far behind. This last week he has really started to hold his back upright for longer so he's very close to sitting.
He's got a very strong personality. He doesn't like it when I leave the room, and stops what he is doing when he sees me heading in the direction of a door! Just like his brother.
He's very vocal and shouts at us quite a bit. Lots of DA DA DA DA's at the moment.
We tried him on a follow up formula which babies can go on once they are six months old but it seemed to upset his stomach a bit so we have gone back to the original sma milk which he still loves.
He's eating his dinners well. Three meals a day. Usually porridge or weetabix for breakfast, a veggie and meat dish for lunch then something fruity for tea!
Last week I had to take Freddie for a blood test at the QMC after we were at A&E the week before due to a non-blanching rash that he had on his legs. The results from the tests that were originally carried out showed that the numbers for his blood clotting test were a bit out of the norm. However, the doctor said this can happen when they have had a virus (Freddie had a nasty ear and chest infection a couple of weeks before). The results from the tests last week were all normal, phew!
We recently received a letter from Glenfield hospital - a summary of Freddie's last appointment. The letter didn't contain any information we weren't aware of which is always a bonus. The doctor did once again confirm that Freddie has another "mild to moderate coarctation of the aorta". Its scary but we knew about it and at the moment no action is needed because it is not affecting the function of his heart.
To end on a lighter note....
Freddie has recently been enjoying trips in his papoose and horse riding!
Trusty old Phillipe! (The horse)
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Tuesday 8th May 2012
Freddie's wonderful Uncle Dint is raising money for Heart Link by cycling in the Great Nottinghamshire Bike Ride.
Heart Link are an amazing East Midlands charity that provide support to children and families affected by congenital heart disease.
We have much to thank them for.
Unfortunately it often takes an experience like ours when Freddie was born to really understand how much charities like Heart Link are needed.
Please have a look at Antony's page and if at all possible any sponsorship would be massively appreciated.
Heart Link are an amazing East Midlands charity that provide support to children and families affected by congenital heart disease.
We have much to thank them for.
Unfortunately it often takes an experience like ours when Freddie was born to really understand how much charities like Heart Link are needed.

Monday, 7 May 2012
Monday 7th May 2012
Yesterday we joined in celebrating the marriage of my cousin Katie and her lovely fella Chris.
Freddie's first wedding...
Here are the handsome duo all dressed up just before we set off.
It was a lovely day, the ceremony and reception were held at Swancar Farm in Trowell. It was a beautiful setting for a beautiful Bride (and Groom obviously).
The boys were very good although Jon did have to leave the ceremony with Freddie because he started to get a bit too noisy!
Samuel was very excited about all the family being around and was spoilt with an engraved silver yo-yo from the bride and groom.
Here are the happy couple.

The sun was shining on and off throughout the day. Here's me and my little monkey man enjoying the celebrations.

Too much champagne was had by the two youngest guests! ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Freddie's first wedding...
Here are the handsome duo all dressed up just before we set off.
It was a lovely day, the ceremony and reception were held at Swancar Farm in Trowell. It was a beautiful setting for a beautiful Bride (and Groom obviously).
The boys were very good although Jon did have to leave the ceremony with Freddie because he started to get a bit too noisy!
Samuel was very excited about all the family being around and was spoilt with an engraved silver yo-yo from the bride and groom.
Here are the happy couple.
The sun was shining on and off throughout the day. Here's me and my little monkey man enjoying the celebrations.
The Bride enjoying some time with Zach.
Too much champagne was had by the two youngest guests! ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Who knew confetti throwing could be this much fun!
Congratulations once again to the new Mr and Mrs Smalley. Thanks for letting us share your special day.
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