Monday, 31 December 2012

Monday 31st December 2012

The last post of 2012.

Dear Freddie,

May I begin by requesting that you bring in the new year with a better nights sleep than last night.
Start as you mean to go on please little man.
Mummy and Daddy do not like 4am starts.

What a year it has been.
Though we won't ever forget your dramatic start to life it is going to feel good to have a full year behind us since those difficult times.

You have changed so much this year.
Your personality is so strong, we can't imagine a time when you did not rule this house.

It has been a busy year full of exciting times.
You have paddled in the sea, built sandcastles, celebrated a wedding, learned how to play with your brother, wrestle with your dad and fight over your Grandpops.
Your birthday and naming ceremony was the highlight of the year for me.
A beautiful day celebrated with those who love you.

You have seen your brother off to big school and enjoyed your daily school run buggy trips.

You have exhausted me with your tantrums and then instantly melted my heart with your beautiful toothy smile.

Happy New Year sweetheart

Love you


Sunday, 23 December 2012

Sunday 23rd December 2012

Today Freddie took his first steps!

We went for a family meal and he decided then and there to show off and take a couple of unaided steps.

I never imagined that we would be at a pub/restaurant when he decided to reach such a significant mile stone.

Well done Freddie.
A lovely Christmas surprise.


Thursday, 20 December 2012

Thursday 20th December 2012... Again!

This is a video of Freddie on a very important conference call.

He is currently in talks with Heston Blumenthal about the creation of an edible mobile phone...

Thursday 20th December 2012

It has been a while since my last post.

This has something to do with the fact that Freddie is such a busy little boy at the moment.
He certainly keeps us on our toes.

He has been a star recently at some of the Christmas events that aren't always baby friendly.
He slept through most of Samuel's nativity.
He was a happy chappy all the way round Asda yesterday whilst mum and I got the Christmas food shopping done.
He was rather noisy at a family meal we had at Lakeside on Saturday because I think his teeth were bothering him but nonetheless the meal was a success.

Tooth number six has recently poked its way through and it looks to me like a couple more will follow shortly.

Teething is not pleasant and the little man has been suffering a bit.
Calpol and cuddles solve all!

The photos below sum the little dude up...

A Cheeky monkey!

He rules the house, bossing everyone around. Demanding that polar express be put on most of the time!

Samuel is so good with him. He entertains him and let's him use his head as a drum in the bath!

We are all very excited for Christmas.
I am starting to wonder what Freddie will think once all of the Christmas celebrations are over.
I get the feeling he thinks all of the bright lights, decorations and parties are the norm!

We may have to have the tree up all year he loves it that much!

Hope you have all been good for Santa!

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Tuesday 4th December 2012

This Christmas I will mostly be...

Listening to the Polar Express music!

Monday, 3 December 2012

Monday 3rd December 2012

Well another countdown to Christmas has arrived and the Sawyers have enjoyed another festive break at Center Parcs.

The boys had lots of fun all week with us and their Mamma and Grandpops. The lucky boys also got a visit from Auntie Em, Uncle Dint and Zachary.

It was strange thinking about how tiny Freddie was when we took him last year.
This year he enjoyed the soft play areas, the swimming the frosty walks and lots more.

He spent the week bossing us all about with his chatter and his feisty ways!

Getting Samuel out of the swimming dome was a challenge this
year. I was certain he would actually turn into a fish.
The big little man also showed off his skills at tennis and squash and had his first attempt at roller skating!

Here are some pics from the week...

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Thursday 22nd November 2012

Yesterday Freddie was fifteen months old.

He is a little chatterbox at the moment (I have absolutely no idea where he gets that from?).
He has started saying "mmm mmm" which could either mean Mummy or give me more food.

His all time favourite saying is "ka kaa."
We have no idea what this means.
Some have interpreted it as 'tractor', others as 'cat cat.'
I think he just enjoys seeing our confusion.

We received a letter from Glenfield hospital yesterday which was a summary of his last appointment.
As usual it was detailed with enough medical terms to make anyone worry.
However, despite the medical jargon it was clearly the most positive letter to date ending with them not needing to see him for another twelve months.

Here is a video of one of the little dudes current pastimes...

I call it the stomp and shout.

This next one is the stomp, shout and stare...

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

13th November 2012

Freddie has had his first hair cut!

He looks like such a big boy now!

He was a bit unsure at first but then decided it wasn't too bad and was very happy with the result...

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Saturday 10th November 2012

Good Hair Day

Freddie's hair has always been a bit of a mystery.

It is so different to how Samuel's was as a baby. 

There was quite a hint of strawberry blonde in there when he was younger but I think his colour is now best described as surfer dude blonde!

I have had to ask the hairdresser to come over next week to give him his first proper hair cut. I want to keep it long but I think it being so close to his eyes has started to get on his nerves.

Here is the story in pictures of Freddie's hair...

The doctors shaved Freddie's hair at Glenfield leaving him with bold patches!  Maybe that is why it grew with such a vengeance!

The bold patches were still growing back at Christmas.

It all went a bit fluffy in the new year!

Lovely soft baby hair!

Here is where it started to go a bit curly.

At this point I was convinced he was going to be...strawberry blonde!

A few months later and the famous little quiff appeared!

Then it grew, grew and grew some more!

Seriously cool dude.

We are now at the point where lots of sticky food gets in the hair but Freddie doesn't care!

I will post a picture after his haircut next week.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Tuesday 30th October continued...

Here is a video of Samuel dragging himself away from Mario Kart to play with Freddie...

Monday, 29 October 2012

Tuesday 30th October 2012

Freddie update!

New things that Freddie can do that I am happy about....

• Say 'hiya'

• Show us how big he is by putting his arms up.

• Comfortably walk the length of the room with his Trolly or car.

• Clap his hands to the music.

•Play with his brother much more.

New things that Freddie can do that I am not so over the moon about...

• Climb the stairs

• Crawl at lightening speed straight for the stairs.

• Fight over toys with his brother.

• Bite me (with top and bottom teeth).

What a cheeky monkey!

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Sunday 14th October 2012

Exactly one year ago today Freddie came home from hospital.

I don't think we'll ever forget that evening.

What a difference a year makes.

Here is a little video to show just how far the little man has come on...

If you cannot see the video you can watch it here

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Thursday 11th October 2012

Today Freddie had his four monthly scan at Glenfield hospital.

First all of his numbers were checked; weight, oxygen levels and blood pressure. All were fine.

Then he had an ECHO scan. He was a really good boy and lay listening to me and the lady performing the scan singing postman pat to him (no wonder it rained this afternoon).

The doctor was so pleased with the results that he told us Freddie will not
need a scan for another twelve months!

It is fair to say we were very relieved and very pleased.

Freddie's heart is working as it should and the area where the coarctation repair took place appears at the moment to be growing out as he grows.

Good news

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Sunday 7th October 2012

Well Freddie has been a little under the weather recently.

He developed a chest and throat infection and so had to have a course of antibiotics.
He seems to be back on top form now however and is back to his cheeky self.

Freddie has learned how to clap and is very fond of waving (especially to his Daddy) at the moment.

Despite all of his toys Freddie's favourite past time recently is...

Opening the kitchen cupboards!
Look at that cheeky face! He knows exactly what he is doing!

And as if just opening the cupboards wasn't enough he also likes the Hoover! Monkey!

Freddie has had a go on his trike for the first time and he loved it!

I love the picture of the brothers both enjoying a bike ride.

All that exercise means a very sleepy baby!


Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Tuesday 25th September 2012

Well, it is fair to say Freddie is developing and changing very quickly at the moment.

The little monkey has become confident at crawling now and has discovered numerous things such as the the kitchen cupboards, the toilet and the DVD player.
Jon says we should change his name to 'Freddie-no!'

Another top tooth has broken through today and the one he already has is making his smile look different to the gummy baby smile we are used to.

He has also realised that going to bed is pretty boring and fights it so much that he actually fell asleep sitting up in his cot today! 

Here is a video of him enjoying having mummy's full attention whilst Samuel is at school...

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Freddie crawling

Here is the little cheeky chappy hanging on to the stair gate!

Tuesday 18th September 2012

Watch out world Freddie can crawl!

Yes Freddie is officially on the move.  He has been practising taking his weight on his hands and knees for a couple of weeks and is fast becoming a pro.

Obviously the first things he crawled towards were things he is not supposed to have.
The days usually consist of me saying "no" to lots of things.
Some of his favourite past times are removing the stones from the fireplace, pulling the clothes horse on top of himself and hanging on to the stair gate. 

What a monkey!

He also has another tooth (a top one) and another one very nearly through.

The little star is a school run pro and loves his daily buggy trips to and from Samuel's school. 
I see his little face taking in all of the classroom drama and can imagine him thinking about the day when he rules the school!

I will try and capture some good crawling photos and video to post soon


Monday, 3 September 2012

Monday 3rd September 2012...part two!

Here are some more photos from Freddie's weekend....thanks again Colin!


These dudes are far too cool for school!

I had to make this photo extra large. Its a classic. Ahh look at Daniel giving his friend Freddie a cuddle.....then look in the background at Jon's face...yep, I'm being shot in the head once again by the spiderman gun. Good times. 

You are funny Grandpops

Yep, still funny.

For those of you unaware (where have you been?) these are Samuel's Clark Kent  glasses. He wears them a lot.

He's a busy man this Clark Kent for just an ordinary bloke.

but wait...completely unbeknown to the rest of us  it is actually
Superman behind that amazing disguise!!

Love the effort on his face!

Squeaky egg anyone?

Watch out Superman the Green Goblin is on the move...oh wait, wrong superhero film.

What better to finish the day than a bowl of angel delight. Perfect.