Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Wednesday 28th December

Well that's Christmas done for another year!
We've had a lovely family Christmas with our boys, who have both been spoilt rotten.
Freddie was a bit unsettled by all the excitement Christmas day but he was a good boy. He's a very hungry boy all of the time and has gone back to having two night feeds which is a bit tiring for us but he's obviously thriving!

Lots of Christmas pics.....

"A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood...."
Freddie with his 'Gruffalo' mouse that Santa left for him.

Big smiles for his Grandpops on Christmas Day.

After having a nap in his comfort blanket style snow suit (never fails to calm him down) he's having christmas love from Daddy and Nanan.

My first Christmas 2011 bear from Mamma and Grandpops. Freddie loves cuddles with his Mamma.

A must for the Christmas blog pics - Samuel with his Jack Sparrow hat on playing his new guitar! Classic!

                                                  "Santa and Rudolph, here? No way!!"

Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy new year

We've had the best Christmas ever and are looking forward to the start of the New Year. Less drama in 2012 please!!


Friday, 23 December 2011

Friday 23rd December 2011


Just a quick post to say how well Freddie is doing. We haven't had him weighed this week but he's looking chunkier every day!
He's starting to become very chatty...making gurgling noises when he smiles and when he's being tickled.

Freddie is certainly a Sawyer...he loves his routine! He has a massive sleep in the morning then spends the afternoon mostly awake. He has a bottle at about 7:15pm then usually asleep in bed by 8pm.

If you try and mess with the routine he's not a happy chappy! Ha.

He's got a bit of a sore neck because I'm struggling to keep his numerous chins clean and dry of milky and drool! But a bit of sudocrem is sorting that out!!

Here's Freddie with his buddy Daniel who is 10 days younger than him. Very smiley boys!

Here's Freddie and big bro Samuel getting ready to beat Mummy at Jelly Elephants!! Ha.



Friday, 16 December 2011

Friday 16th December 2011

'Ding Dong Merrily On High!'

We love Christmas!!!!!


Freddie's latest weigh in put him at 11 pounds and 4 ounces. We're thrilled with how he is doing.
Freddie is still on a daily iron medicine and I have recently contacted the paediatrician we see at the City hospital regarding this. He has advised me to keep giving Freddie the iron until our next appointment, which is in February and he will then assess whether or not he needs it any more. Apparently it is important for babies that were born prematurely to take iron for a significant period of time.

Last night Freddie lasted from his bed time feed (7:30pm ish) all the way till 3:30am which is fab and we're hoping he's on the road to sleeping through the night!

Freddie's hair is coming back nicely and you can't really see the bald patches anymore they just look like areas where his hair has rubbed off which happens to most babies.

I'm already starting to think about his next appointment at Glenfield, but trying not to worry about it because it isn't until February. There are no signs that Freddie's heart isn't performing as it should be but it will be nice to have some reassurance from the scans (hopefully).

Samuel is bonding with Freddie brilliantly and is still great at making him smile. He is quite protective of him and wants to show him toys and things of his.

                                           Little Cuties!

"What you looking at!!!"

Gorgeous chubby boy!

Hope everyone is enjoying the build up to Christmas as much as us!!


Sunday, 11 December 2011

Sunday 11th December

Freddie weighed in at 10lb 8oz on Thursday! He's bang on the 25th centile line on the growth chart for his 'corrected age'.

He's a happy chappy at the mo, only waking up for one feed overnight (whoo!) and not griping much at all.

He's happier to be in his bouncer chair or in his cot watching his Pooh Bear mobile than he has been before.

We've all had the winter lurgy but so far Freddie seems to have avoided it so hoping it stays that way!

Counting down the days till Chrimbo!!


Sunday, 4 December 2011

Freddie's first Holiday!


We have just got back from a fabulous fun filled week at Center Parcs! It's winter wonderland time so we have loved every 'Christmassy' minute of it!

Here is Freddie enjoying his first swim.....

He wasn't sure at first but after a few minutes he relaxed and seemed to enjoy the feeling of the water and took in the surroundings of the dome!

We stayed in one of the big woodland lodges with all of the Dear's including cousin Zachary...

Happy boys enjoying their holiday!

Freddie knew he was on holiday and decided he was not going to bed without a fight in the evenings! He struggled more than usual with his wind and griping for the first day or two so his Dad and Grandpops went on a mission to find the closest shop that sold 'colief' drops and I have to say the difference when he started on those was massive. He isn't pulling his legs up very much anymore now and settles after his bottles much easier. Happier boy in general.

Its not a secret that we like Christmas in the Sawyer household...

Freddie looks like santa's grumpy little helper with his eyes shut and arms crossed!

Freddie also had his first trip to see Santa with his big brother and got a present.

This was taken during Samuel's favourite game of the week; dressing up as Santa and delivering presents to everyone  He's using Freddie's sling as his sack here! How fab is the woodland picture on the wall!

Freddie is coming on leaps and bounds, we can't wait to find out how much he weighs next week as he's looking like a little chunker these days.

 I have to confess to having a little moment at Center Parcs when we were all stood on the beach listening to the choir singing and waiting for the fireworks. I remember not long ago when we didn't know if Freddie would be well enough to be out of hospital never mind be going on holiday and mixed emotions of remembering the bad times and being ridiculously happy having him with us caused a few tears!

Massive thanks to Mamma and Grandpops, Auntie Emma, Uncle Dint and Zachary and of course his Daddy and big brother for making Freddie's first holiday one to remember.
