Saturday, 26 November 2011

New pics!

Freddie looking gorgeous on 25.11.11

Whats with all the bubbles mum?!

Ha Ha! Tell the one about the chicken crossing the road again!!

Blurred but an absolute classic! My happy little boy!


Friday, 25 November 2011

Friday 25th November

Hello everyone,

Freddie now weighs 9lb 1oz! He's gone up to nearly the 25th centile for his weight on the growth chart.

He's doing fab and is a very smiley boy these days! He still fits into newborn clothes but 0-3 months size is starting to fit him nicely now too.

He usually wakes up for two feeds during the night but he definitely seems to have grasped the concept that nighttime is bed time! (Most nights anyway!)

Not a lot more to say at the mo. Jon and I are just loving the hectic normality of having a toddler and a baby at home and feel very lucky.


Friday, 18 November 2011

Friday 18th November 2011

Happy Friday everyone!

All is well in the Sawyer household.
Freddie had a check up at the congenital heart centre at Glenfield yesterday. He had an ECHO scan on his heart and an ECG scan. He also had his oxygen level and his blood pressure checked.
After a fairly long and anxious wait the doctor called us in to say they don't need to see him for 3 months which is great news.
I have to say they don't give you much information unless you ask specifically.This is very frustrating as I often come away remembering things I wanted to ask but forgot at the time because you just want to get out of there in case they change their minds and say something is wrong!
The doctor said that the blood flow looked good on Freddie's scans. It was tricky to get an accurate reading and they did say some of the numbers were a bit high because he was screaming his little head off bless him.
He has officially come off his diuretics (water medicine) which is a great milestone to have reached. The doctor struggled to find a pulse in Freddie's legs and when he did he said it felt quite weak. However he said that this does not mean anything at the moment as it is difficult to feel a baby's pulse in his legs especially when they wont stop wriggling! They will just keep monitoring this at his check ups.

Generally Freddie is doing all the things you would expect a month old baby to do (his corrected age from when he was due). He has been a bit difficult to settle over the last couple of days and seems to be even more windy than usual so we have started using infacol which will hopefully help with that. He is becoming more and more aware of his surroundings. His reaction to Samuel is so lovely, he always follows his voice and Samuel gets the most attempted smiles from Freddie.
He weighed in at 8 lb 5 oz at Glenfield yesterday so he is gaining weight at a good rate.

We're all very excited about Christmas and are so thankful to have our little star home for all the festivities.


Monday, 14 November 2011

Monday 14th November 2011

8 lbs and growing!
Freddie is doing so well, he has put on 6 oz in a few days and now weighs 8 lbs. The health visitor has been over today and has took his length and head circumference measurements as well as weighing him. He is on the 9th centile line on 'boys weight' graph in the 'red book' (this is using his corrected age from his due date). He is almost on the 25th centile line for his length and the same for his head circumference.
Very pleased with his progress.

He is fitting nicely into newborn clothes now instead of early/tiny baby ones.
Freddie is trying to smile more and more and often pulls little faces when he's happy and awake with a full tummy!

Look at these two trouble causes!

Although....butter wouldn't melt!

To get in the Christmas spirit of giving Heart Link (East Midlands charity for children with congenital heart disease) are selling Christmas Tree tags for £1 with the opportunity to say thank you to a member of staff or a ward. If you want to add a tag to the tree ( Freddie was on the Children's Ward 30) you can send a message and donation to Heart Link, Freepost 24384, Leics, LE3 6ZJ. Please don't feel like you have to, your support to us has been invaluable.

lots of love

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Thursday 10th October

Freddie now weighs 7lb 10oz! He's doing really well and has put on 10oz in one week which is great especially given he is not on the high energy formula anymore.
He is starting to go a little longer between feeds but is still a very hungry boy and often makes up for it by not being satisfied and demanding more milk!
He's very alert and awake and loves looking around. He loves his big brother and likes to look at him and listen to him (doesn't have much of a choice with the listening!)

Very busy in the Sawyer household at the mo as you can imagine so just a few pics to keep you updated. Freddie's next heart scan at Glenfield is a week today so will let you know how that goes.

Both boys having a calm moment

                                       Slowly catching up to his gorgeous hunk of a cousin!

Samuel....the protector of all babies!


Friday, 4 November 2011

Friday 4th November 2011

Freddie had his first appointment at the Children's development centre at the City hospital yesterday.
It went very well, the doctor who saw us yesterday was one of the ones involved in his care when he was born. He told us that Freddie was certainly one of the more interesting cases they have had at the hospital...'interesting' was certainly not one of the words we used at the time! He said that usually when a baby is born with a heart flutter like Freddie was, the doctors sort the rhythm problem out and that is usually the last of the heart problems. For it to be then discovered that Freddie had coarctation of the aorta made him rather unique.

We discussed the follow up visit Freddie had at Glenfield and the future appointments he will attend. We told the doctor that before we were discharged from Glenfield we were told that there was another minor narrowing in Freddie's heart that they were going to monitor closely. It became apparent that we did not know much about this narrowing when the doctor asked where in the heart it is and what vessels it may affect? Given that this narrowing was not mentioned at Freddie's follow up visit and that his blood flow had improved we are hoping that this means it is not a major concern. The doctor we saw yesterday said he would contact the consultant at Glenfield to get the details of this other narrowing.

Freddie definitely tends to get more windy at night and the doc said he might have 'night colic' which might actually just be normal colic but parents notice it more during the night when they are more tired! He is definitely more settled during the day though and seems to catch up on his lack on night time sleep when the rest of us are awake! The doctor did say though that he wouldn't have been able to establish any sleeping patterns in the hospitals because tests and procedures were carried out at any time day or night.

We have been advised that when it comes to Freddie's development (smiling, rolling, sitting etc) we should treat him as his corrected age (which is almost 3 weeks) rather than is actual age. This wont be the case when he gets past approx 12 months as he will have most likely caught up by then.

He weighed in at seven pounds yesterday so he's catching up to the average newborn weight.

We're all starting to get excited about Center Parcs which is only a few weeks away and then Christmas!


Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Tuesday 1st November

Happy Halloween!


Freddie now weighs 6lb 8oz! He put on half a pound in four days which is fab. We have got an appointment at the children's development centre at the city hospital on Thursday so we should be able to chat about his weight gain and the formula he is on with the specialist.
He's a very hungry boy , especially overnight!
We have all been out and about together which is lovely. Freddie went to Mamma and Grandpop's house for the first time last week. We took him on the bus to the Robin Hood festival on Sunday which was lots of fun.

It's hard to believe Freddie is ten weeks old already! He is such a star and despite the little sleep we are getting he makes us so happy and makes our little family complete.

Samuel's first hold of his little bro!

snoozy time!
